Where to find help if you need it out of hours or are in crisis

Please note that I am not able to provide a crisis service and I may not be available for contact at all times. If you feel at risk or in crisis between our sessions, please contact either 999 or one of the numbers below.

NHS 111 - Option 2

Call 111 and selcet option 2 to speak to someone if you need to:

  • discuss concerns about your mental health


Call Mind Infoline on 0300 123 3393 if you need information or support relating to mental health issues.


Call Samaritans Nottingham on 116 123 if you’re experiencing distress and need someone to listen without judgement. They can be reached 24 hours a day.


Call Childline 24 hours a day on 0800 11 11 if you’re a young person and feel you need immediate support whatever the reason. Or you can go online to Get Support | Childline.